
Artificial Intelligence 

TUW World

Python Programming: Introductory to Advanced 

Quality Assessment Lia

Introduction to Project Management (in accordance with PMBOK standard)  

TUV Rheinland Academy of Germany

Professional Project Management 

TUV Rheinland Academy of Germany

Project Management Office (PMO) Establishment 

ICS Registers Academy of UK

Advanced Automation and Instrumentation 

ASYS Academy of Spain

Advanced PLC 

NOBEL Academy of Germany

Teaching Methods and Techniques  


Advanced Knowledge Management 

ICS Academy of Canada

Advanced Repair and Maintenance  

LLC Academy of Czech

Introduction to Industrial Networks   

Qeshm Voltage Company

An Overview of QCA Nanotechnology and familiarity with QCA Designer simulator    

Kermanshah University of Technology

Impacts of Wind Power Variability and the Role of Energy Storage     

Calgary University (under the supervision of Dr. Zareipoor)

Intelligent Optimization Methods     

Kermanshah University of Technology

Cognitive Radio Networks: Solutions and Future Researches 

Kermanshah University of Technology

RFID Applications 

Electronic Citizen Conference of 2012

The Effects of Mobile Phones on Life 

Electronic Citizen Conference of 2012


Electronic Citizen Conference of 2012


Electronic Citizen Conference of 2012

Mobile Communication and E-Citizenship

Electronic Citizen Conference of 2012

Smart Phone

Electronic Citizen Conference of 2012

Intelligent Mobile Phone OS

Electronic Citizen Conference of 2012


Electronic Citizen Conference of 2012


Sharif University of Technology (SUT)

Solar cells 

Sharif University of Technology (SUT)

Navigation, Guidance, and Control of a Flying Object (UAV) 

Sharif University of Technology (SUT)